Donaustauferstr. 250
93055 Regensburg

Phone: 0941 378 099 73

Commercial register no.: HRB: 16419 B Registergericht: Regensburg Firmensitz: Regensburg
Purchase tax no.: auf Anfrage
CEO: Michaela Jungbeck

General business conditions

Alle Partner, Makler, Verkäufer von Juka Immobilien GmbH sind selbständig und eigenverantwortlich tätig!


Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) für die Inanspruchnahme von Maklerleistungen



§ 1       Maklervertrag bei Kauf/Verkauf bzw. Miete/Vermietung

Mit der Inanspruchnahme der Nachweis- oder Vermittlungstätigkeit des Immobilienmaklers bzw. mit der Anforderung von Informationen, eines Exposés, der Durchführung von Objektbesichtigungen oder mit der Auf- nahme von Verhandlungen mit dem Verkäufer oder dem Vermieter oder deren Stellvertretern kommt der Maklervertrag mit dem Miet- oder Kaufinte- ressenten zu den nachfolgenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zustande.


§ 2       Maklervertrag bei Auktionen

Mit dem durch den Immobilienmakler veranlassten Erwerb im Wege der (Zwangs-) Versteigerung kommt der Maklervertrag mit dem Kaufinteres- senten zu den nachfolgenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zustan- de.


§ 3      Maklercourtage

Soweit nicht anders vereinbart beträgt die Höhe der Maklercourtage:

  1. Bei Abschluss eines Kaufvertrages einer Privat- oder Gewer- beimmobilie 7,19 % (inkl. MwSt.) der notariell beurkundeten Kaufpreissumme.
  2. Bei Ersteigerung einer Privatimmobilie 7,19 % (inkl. MwSt.) des Zuschlagspreises.
  3. Bei Gewerbemietobjekten 3,57 Monatsmieten der vertraglich vereinbarten Netto-(Kalt-)miete (inkl. MwSt.).
  4. Bei Erbbaurechten den 2,38-fachen Jahreserbbauzins (inkl. MwSt.).
  5. Bei Waren-, Bau-, Handweker- Verträgen/ Angeboten aller Art, 7,19% (inkl. MwSt.) des unterzeichneten Vertrages/ Angebotes.
  6. Bei Krediten 2% des unterzeichneten Vertrages/ Angebotes.

Sie wird - sofern nicht anders vereinbart - vom Käufer bzw. Mieter getra- gen. Das Exposé der Immobilie kann abweichende Regelungen treffen. Für den Fall, dass die Courtage nicht im Exposé ausgewiesen ist, gelten die Regelcourtagesätze durch den Käufer, Mieter oder Ersteigerer.


§ 4       Fälligkeit der Maklercourtage

Die Maklercourtage ist fällig:

  1. mit Unterzeichnung des notariell beurkundeten Kaufvertrages.
  2. mit Unterzeichnung des Wohnraummietvertrages durch den Mieter und den Vermieter.
  3. mit Zuschlagserteilung.
  4. mit Unterzeichnung des Bauvertrages/Angebotes.

Sie ist zahlbar binnen 14 Tagen nach dem Fälligkeitstermin. Danach tritt Verzug ein, ohne dass dieser Verzug gegenüber dem Schuldner separat erklärt werden muss.


§ 5      Fälligkeit der Maklercourtage in besonderen Fällen

Sofern an die Stelle des gewollten (durch Vermittlung oder Nachweis des Immobilienmaklers) ein anderer wirtschaftlich gleichwertiger Vertrag (Er- satzgeschäft) tritt, wird ebenfalls eine Maklercourtage in entsprechender Höhe fällig.

Sofern es mit einem nachgewiesenen Interessenten oder Vertragspartner zu einem Vertragsabschluss kommt, obwohl die Vertragsverhandlungen zwischenzeitlich unterbrochen wurden und der Immobilienmakler zu späte- ren Verhandlungen nicht mehr hinzugezogen wird oder eine andere Person die Verhandlungen fortführt, ist ebenfalls eine entsprechende Maklercour- tage fällig. Die Maklercourtage ist auch dann fällig, wenn die Tätigkeit des Maklers nur mitursächlich zur Unterzeichnung des Vertrages war.


§ 6      Vertragsabschluss

Der Makler hat Anspruch auf Anwesenheit bei der Unterzeichnung des Kauf-, Miet- oder Pachtvertrages sowie auf ein Exemplar der jeweiligen Verträge. Bei Kaufverträgen hat der Makler das Recht, seinen Courtagean- spruch durch eine Maklerklausel im Vertrag mit beurkunden zu lassen.


§ 7      Vorkenntnis

Ist dem Empfänger eines Exposés das vom Immobilienmakler nachgewie- sene Objekt bereits bekannt, hat er dies dem Immobilienmakler innerhalb von 5 Werktagen schriftlich unter Angabe der Quelle mitzuteilen. Es  gilt  das Datum des Poststempels. Wird innerhalb dieser Frist kein Vorkennt- nisnachweis erbracht, so gilt das Objekt als unbekannt.


§ 8      Doppeltätigkeit

Der Immobilienmakler darf auch für die jeweils andere Vertragspartei entgeltlich tätig  werden.


§ 9       Eigentümerangaben / Irrtümer / Zwischenveräußerung

Die vom Immobilienmakler weitergegebenen Objektinformationen stammen vom Eigentümer, einer von ihm beauftragten Person oder anderen Dritten. Sie können vom Immobilienmakler nur bedingt überprüft werden. Insofern haftet der Immobilienmakler nicht für die Richtigkeit der Angaben bzw. lediglich für offenkundig unrichtige Angaben. Irrtümer, Änderungen und Auslassungen bleiben somit vorbehalten. Es ist Sache des Kunden, diese Angaben auf ihre Richtigkeit und ihre Vollständigkeit hin zu überprüfen.

Auch Zwischenverkauf bzw. Zwischenvermietung ist möglich, insbesonde- re bei Gemeinschaftsgeschäften im Rahmen einer Maklerkooperation. Ein Rechtsanspruch auf eine angebotene Immobilie hat der Kauf- bzw. Mietin- teressent nicht.


§ 10     Informationspflicht und Vollmachterteilung

Der Auftraggeber (Eigentümer) wird verpflichtet, vor Abschluss des beab- sichtigten Kauf- oder Mietvertrages unter Angabe des Namens und der Anschrift des vorgesehenen Vertragspartners beim Immobilienmakler anzufragen, ob die Zuführung des vorgesehenen Vertragspartners durch dessen Tätigkeit veranlasst wurde.

Der Auftraggeber erteilt hiermit dem Immobilienmakler Vollmacht zur Einsichtnahme in das Grundbuch, in behördliche Akten, insbesondere Bauakten sowie alle Informations- und Einsichtsrechte gegenüber dem WEG-Verwalter, wie sie dem Auftraggeber als Wohnungseigentümer zustehen.


§ 11    Weitergabeverbot

Sämtliche Informationen einschließlich der Objektnachweise des Immobili- enmaklers sind ausdrücklich nur für den entsprechenden Kunden be- stimmt. Diesem ist es ausdrücklich untersagt, die Objektnachweise und Objektinformationen ohne ausdrückliche schriftliche Zustimmung des Maklers an Dritte weiter zu geben.

Verstößt ein Kunde gegen diese Verpflichtung und schließt der Dritte oder andere Personen, an die der Dritte seinerseits die Informationen weiterge- geben hat, den Hauptvertrag ab, so ist der Kunde verpflichtet, dem Makler die mit ihm vereinbarte Provision zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer zu entrichten.


§ 12    Datenschutz

Alle personen- und objektbezogenen Daten werden ausschließlich nur für die Bearbeitung des Auftrags verwendet. Der Auftraggeber willigt der Datenweitergabe an Dritte zu, sofern dies für die Erfüllung des Auftrags erforderlich ist. Eine andere Weitergabe der Daten erfolgt nicht.

Die Daten werden automatisch in Datenbanken verarbeitet. Dabei kann es sich auch um internetbasierte Cloudanwendungen handeln. Der Kunde stimmt dieser Datenverarbeitung zu. Es werden die Datenschutzbestim- mungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland  beachtet.


§ 13    Verjährung

Die Verjährungsfrist für alle Schadensersatzansprüche des Kunden gegen den Immobilienmakler beträgt 3 Jahre. Sie beginnt mit dem Zeitpunkt, in dem die die Schadensersatzverpflichtung auslösende Handlung begangen worden ist. Sollten die gesetzlichen Verjährungsregelungen im Einzelfall für den Immobilienmakler zu einer kürzeren Verjährung führen, gelten diese.


§ 14    Gerichtsstand

Als Gerichtsstand wird der Firmensitz des Immobilienmaklers (Stadt Berlin, Wilmersdorf) vereinbart, sofern eine Vereinbarung über den Gerichts- stand zulässig ist.


§ 15 Zahlungen und Annahme bzw. Verwaltung von Vermögensge- genständen für Auftraggeber

Der Auftragnehmer nimmt vom Auftraggeber keine Barzahlungen entge- gen. Alle Zahlungen werden unbar durch Überweisung nach Rechnungsle- gung durchgeführt. Der Auftragnehmer nimmt keine für den Auftraggeber bestimmten Vermögenswerte entgegen und lässt sich nicht zur Entgegen- nahme ermächtigen.


§ 16     Änderungen und Ergänzungen

Änderungen und Ergänzungen bedürfen der Schriftform. Mündliche Ne- benabreden sind unwirksam. Auch die Abänderung des Schriftformerfor- dernisses kann nur schriftlich erfolgen.


§ 17     Salvatorische Klausel

Die Unwirksamkeit einer oder mehrerer vorstehender Klauseln berührt die Wirksamkeit der der gesamten AGB / des Gesamtvertrages nicht. Die jeweils unwirksame Bestimmung soll zwischen den Parteien durch eine Regelung ersetzt werden, die den wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Vertrags- parteien am nächsten kommt und im Übrigen den vertraglichen Vereinba- rungen nicht zuwider läuft.

Cookies briefly explained:

Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser on the user's device to store certain information. The next time you visit our website with the same device, the information stored in cookies will be sent back to our website ("First Party Cookie") or to another website to which the cookie belongs ("Third Party Cookie").

Through the information stored and returned in the cookie, the respective website recognizes that the user has already accessed and visited it with the browser of his end device. We use this information in order to be able to optimally display the website to the user according to his interests.

However, only the cookie itself is identified on the device. Any further storage of personal data will only take place if the user gives us his express consent or if this storage is absolutely necessary in order to be able to use the offered and called up service.


Consent to the use of cookies

Cookies that are not absolutely necessary to provide the services on this website are only used after you have given your consent. By giving consent to the use of cookies on the basis of a notice given by us on the website ("cookie banner"), the user agrees to the use of cookies.

The user can adjust his cookie settings individually at any time, for example by activating or deactivating individual cookie categories.


Deactivation or deletion of all cookies

The user can set his browser so that the storage of cookies on his device is generally prevented or he is asked every time whether he agrees to the setting of cookies. Once set, the user can delete cookies at any time. How it all works is described in the help function of the respective web browser or search here via Google.

A general deactivation of cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this website.


Legal basis

If the user has given consent to the use of cookies on the basis of a notice given by us on the website ("cookie banner"), the lawfulness of data processing is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f GDPR. If no consent is requested, our legitimate interest (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of this website and services) within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR is the legal basis for the use of cookies.


Categories of cookies used:

1. Strictly necessary cookies
The strictly necessary cookies are only used by the operator of the website. These cookies ensure functions without which this website cannot be used as intended. Therefore, absolutely necessary cookies cannot be deactivated or activated individually.

2. Functional cookies
The functional cookies enable this website to save information already provided by the user and to offer improved and personalized functions based on this. These cookies only collect and store anonymized information. These cookies do not track user movements on other websites.

3. Performance cookies
The performance cookies collect information about how this website is used. The website operator uses these cookies to improve the attractiveness, content and functionality of the website.

The deactivation of functional and performance cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this website.

4. Marketing / third party cookies
Marketing / third party cookies come, among other things, from external advertising companies and are used to collect information about the websites visited by the user, e.g. to create target group-oriented advertising for the user.

5. Third Party Content
This website may offer content or functionality that is provided by third parties on their own responsibility. These third-party providers can set their own cookies, e.g. to track user activity or to personalize and optimize their offers.


Here are details about the categories we use for our website:

1. Strictly necessary cookies

Providers Surname Purpose Validity
This website  ansicht Remembers the desired presentation of the property offers  7 days 
This website  bbreite Optimized delivery of images for smartphones  1 year 
This website  cookie_dismiss_ty
Remembers the decision of the cookie categories to be used  1 year 
This website  googlemapsoptin Remembers whether Google Maps may be displayed  1 year 
This website  immopro_flaecheb Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_flaechev Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_land Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_lat Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_lng Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_objekttyp Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_ort Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_plz Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_preisb Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_preisv Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_rad Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_show_obje
Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_sp Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_stadtteil Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_strasse Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_ussid Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_wo Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_zimmerb Object search  7 days 
This website  immopro_zimmerv Object search  7 days 
Dies Webseite  mindsparktb_22416
Objekt-Suche  7 Tage 
This website  PHPSESSID Session identification  with closing the browser 
This website  resolution Optimized delivery of images for smartphones  7 days 

2. Functional cookies

Providers Surname Purpose Validity
No entries available

3. Performance cookies

Providers Surname Purpose Validity
No entries available

4. Marketing / third party cookies

Providers Surname Purpose Validity
Google  __gads These cookies track how you use our website to show you advertisements that may be of interest to you.  18 months 
Google  _gac_UA-181601097
Contains campaign information about the user.  3 months 
Google  _gat_gtag_UA_1068
Used by Google Analytics to limit the request rate.  1 day 

You have currently agreed to these categories:

Here you can change your consent settings:

Data Privacy Statement for the Use of Google +1
Collection and transmission of information: It is possible to publish information worldwide by means of the Google +1 button. This button allows you and other users to receive personalized content from Google and our partners. Google stores information that you enter for +1 content as well as information about the site that you were viewing when you clicked +1. Your +1 can be shown as a note with your profile name and photo in Google services, such as in search results or your Google profile, or on other parts of websites and in online advertisements. Google records information about your +1 activity in order to improve Google services for you and others. In order to be able to use the +1 button, you must have a public Google profile that can be viewed worldwide and contains at least the name chosen for the profile. This name will be used for all Google services. In some cases this name can also replace another name that you have used while exchanging content through your Google account. Users who know your email address or have other identifying information about you will be able to view the identity of your Google profile.

Use of the recorded information: In addition to the intended uses described above, the information provided by you will be used in accordance with the applicable Google data privacy conditions. Google may publish summarized statistics about +1 activities of the users or forward this information to users and partners such as publishers, advertisers, or connected websites.

Data protection declaration for the use of Twitter
Functions of the Twitter service are integrated into our pages. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc., Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Str., Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the function "Re-Tweet", websites visited by you are linked with your Twitter account and announced to other users. During the process, data is also transmitted to Twitter.

We would like to point out that, as the provider of the site, we have no knowledge of the content forwarded to Twitter and we are unaware of how it is used by Twitter. You can find further information on the subject in Twitter's data privacy statement at

Your data privacy settings for Twitter can be changed in the account settings at

Data protection

1. Web site content
The author assumes no liability whatsoever for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the author based on material or immaterial damages, which are caused by the use or non-use of the information provided and/or the use of erroneous and incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded, insofar as there is no demonstrable malicious intent or grossly negligent fault on the part of the author.
All offers are subject to change without notice and are without obligation. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, or delete parts or all of the Web site without notice, or to discontinue the publication temporarily or permanently.

2. References and links
In the case of direct or indirect references to external Web sites ("hyperlinks"), which are not the responsibility of the author, liability on the part of the author would apply exclusively in a case in which the author was aware of the contents and if it were technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent use in the case of illegal content.
The author herewith declares explicitly that no illegal content was found on the Web sites to be linked at the time the links were created. The author has no influence on the current and future design, contents or origination of the linked Web sites. For this reason he therefore distances himself explicitly from all content of all linked Web sites that were changes after the links were created. This statement applies to all links and references created within the authors own Internet Web site as well as to external entries in guest books, discussion forums, link directories, and mailing lists created by the author and all other forms of databases which can be write-accessed externally. For illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and in particular for damages that arise from the use or non-use of information provided in such fashion, sole responsibility is borne by the provider of the Web site to which reference was made, not by the person who merely referred to the relevant publication via links.

3. Copyright, brand and trademark rights
The author undertakes to respect the copyrights of the images, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use images, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts created by him or to make use of graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts which are not subject to licenses.
All brands and trademarks mentioned within the Internet Web site and those protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the relevant brand and trademark law and the ownership rights of the relevant registered owners. The mere mention of these does not lead to the conclusion that trademarks and brands are not protected by the rights of third parties!
The copyright for published objects created by the author belongs exclusively to the author of the Web site. Reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is permitted only with the prior explicit consent of the author.

4. Data protection
Insofar as the possibility of entering personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses) exists, the disclosure of these data by the user is entirely voluntary. The use and payment of all services offered is - insofar as this is possible and reasonable - permitted without disclosure of such data or with the provision of anonymized data or pseudonyms. The use of the contact data published as part of the company information or similar information, such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail addresses by third parties for the purpose of transmitting information which has not been specifically requested is prohibited. We explicitly reserve the right to take legal action against senders of so-called spam mail in the case of violations of this prohibition.

5. Legal validity of this disclaimer
This disclaimer is to be considered as part of the Internet Web site which referred to this site. Insofar as parts or individual formulations of this text do not comply, no longer comply or do not completely comply with applicable law, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document remain thereby unaffected.

Data handling on this internet site
We automatically collect and store information in log files that your browser automatically transmits to us. Information collected includes browser type/browser version, operating system used, referrer URL, and time of the server query. This data cannot be traced back to a certain person. This data is not combined with other data sources.

Facebook-Plugins (Like Button)
Plugins from the social media network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA are integrated into our pages. Facebook plugins can be recognized by the Facebook logo or the "Like" ("Gefällt mir") button on our site. When you visit our site, a direct connection is established between your browser and the Facebook server through the plugin. This allows Facebook to obtain the information that you visited our site with your IP address. If you click the "Like" button while logged into your Facebook account, then you can link the content on our site to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to relate the visit to our site with your user account. We would like to point out that as the provider of the site, we have no knowledge of the content forwarded to Facebook and we are unaware of how it is used by Facebook. You can find further information on the subject in Facebook's data privacy statement at

If you do not want Facebook to be able to relate your visit to our site with your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook account.

Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "Cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and enable your use of the website to be analyzed. Information about your use of this website generated by the cookie is generally sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

We use the function "activation of IP anonymization" on this website. This means that, before it is transmitted, your IP address will be truncated by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other contracting states outside of the European economic area that participate in the agreement. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website in order to put together reports on website activity and provide further services to the website operator in relation to website use and internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other Google data. You can prevent the storage of cookies on your machine by adjusting the settings in your browser software appropriately. We would however like to point out that if you do so, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website in their entirety. You can prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) by Google as well as preventing the processing of this information by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link:

Cancellation policy

Users have the following legal right of revocation:

You can revoke your contractual declaration in written form (e.g. letter, fax, email) within 14 days without providing a reason. This period beings after receipt of these instructions in written form, but not before the contract has been concluded and also not before our information obligations have been fulfilled in accordance with Article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 para. 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our duties in accordance with § 312e para. 1 sentence 1 BGB in connection with article 246 § 3 EGBGB. The timely dispatch of the notice of revocation shall be deemed sufficient for compliance with the revocation period.

The revocation should be sent

Donaustauferstr. 250
93055 Regensburg

Phone: 0941 378 099 73

You may, but do not have to, use the enclosed sample cancellation form.

Consequences of Revocation

In the case of an effective revocation, the services received by both sides must be returned and any benefits received (e.g. interest) reimbursed. If it is not possible to return the service provided in part or in full or if it can only be returned in a deteriorated condition, then it is possible that you will have to provide compensation for loss of value. This could mean that you will have to fulfill the contractual payment obligations for the time period leading up to the revocation. Obligations for reimbursing payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you upon dispatch of the notice of revocation and for us upon receipt of the same.

Special note:

Your right of revocation will expire prematurely if the contract has been executed in full by both parties at your explicit request prior to your exercising your right of revocation.